National Tire Safety Week
Did you know that May 28 – June 3 is National Tire Safety week?
In honour of it, we are sharing some of our most important tire safety tips:
Check your tires over regularly
Each time you go to drive your car, have a glance at all of your tires to ensure they look full and have no debris or cracks in them. If you see anything stuck in your tire, call your local Integra Tire and we can try to repair and patch it. You should also check your tire tread each season to ensure it will grip the road properly. You can check your tire tread depth by using a US penny. Place the penny head side out and down into the tire tread. If you always see the top of the head, your tread is low and your tires should be replaced. If part of the head is covered by the tread, you won’t need new tires for a while.
Monitor your tire pressure
Most vehicles are now equipped with a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) but this system only engages a warning when your tire is significantly low and it is unsafe to drive on it. To prevent your tire from reaching this level, you should check your tire pressure periodically. This can easily be done by using a tire pressure gauge. All you need to do is remove the cap off the air valve, line up the gauge with the valve, and press until you get a reading (make sure that you are not releasing any air when you do this). You can check what the recommended tire pressure is for your tires by looking at the sticker on your side door or in your owner’s manual. If the level is below the recommended value, you may have a leak in your tire and you should bring it to your local Integra Tire for it to be inspected and repaired.
Follow us on Twitter @IntegraTire to find more tips throughout #NationalTireSafetyWeek!