Summer Driving Tips
Now that school is out and Canada Day is almost here, it’s time for the official summer driving season to begin. At Integra Tire we want to make sure that you and everyone else on the road is safe all summer long so here are some tips to follow:
Before you begin any long drive, make sure that you’ve packed an emergency kit that includes items like a cell phone charger, jumper cables, a flashlight, and a tire jack. Next, Google to ensure that there are no recalls on your vehicle; this is becoming a common occurrence and you will not be charged for any repairs done under a recall. Finally, check to ensure that your tires are at optimal pressure, all your lights work, and all your fluids are topped. You can always visit your local Integra Tire to have your vehicle examined before a road trip.
Now that you’re ready to go, make sure that everyone has a working seatbelt and that all children under 13 years old sit in the back seat. When you begin driving, make sure that you’ve got your Bluetooth set up so that you won’t be distracted by any phone calls or text messages. It’s also important to ensure that you’re well-rested so you don’t fall asleep on the road.
One important thing to remember during summer driving season is to watch out for motorcyclists and bicyclists; always shoulder check when you’re turning left or right to ensure that no one is in your blind spot. Furthermore, be mindful of increased pedestrian traffic. You never know when a pedestrian will be trying to cross the street at an unmarked crosswalk or a child will run out into the road so always slow down when you’re in a congested area.
Lastly, never leave your pets or children alone in the car. This could have catastrophic consequences because both children and pets have a higher body temperature than adults and cannot withstand prolonged periods of heat. A child or pet could also accidentally put a running vehicle into gear so it is always best to bring them inside with you or leave them at home.
Now that you’re set with all of our summer driving tips, we hope you have a great long weekend and please remember, don’t drink and drive.